Thursday, February 19, 2009

By Siew Wei :)

1] Honestly, how many people have you completely fallen for?
- Uhmm 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . . I miss Clarence. D:

2] Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?
- The blueeey school uni.

3] Honestly, what's on your mind?
- How to entertain Siew Bee. hahhaha.

4] Honestly, what are you doing right now?
- Chatting & eating nasi lemak. yum.

5] Honestly, do you think you're attractive?
- I'll sound arrogant if I say yes but honestly, not really.

6] Honestly, have you done something bad today?
- Yes. *touches your back & pull your bra strap* :D

7] Honestly, do you watch "Shot of Love" with Tila Tequilla?
- No.

9] Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
- The happy three friends :)

10] Honestly, when was the last time you did something illegal?
- I don't do illegal stuff.

11] Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
- Yess. Indeed, there's a bunch of them i wanna see ):

12] Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
- I guess- so.

13] Honestly, when is the last time you had sex?
- I lost my virginity to my comforter. BOOO.

14] Honestly, are you an honest person?
- Depends on the situation. BUT that doesn't mean I'm not honest. :)

15] Honestly, what are you addicted to?
- Sexy legs.

16] Honestly, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Celebrating my 24th birthday. :P

17] Honestly, do you like someone?
- I like a lot of people.

18] Honestly, what was the last text you got and what did it say?from who?
- ................ Kok Wei.

19] Honestly, what are you sick of?
- Being alone at home.

20] Honestly, what do you want right now?
- I need some cincau! D:

21] Honestly, would you use family connections to get a job?
- Depends.

22] Honestly, what's your favorite perfume/cologne?
- Dior II. i think that's the name.

23] Honestly, are you desperate?
- Desperate to get 8As for PMR? Yes.

24] Honestly, when was the last time someone asked you out on a date?
- We don't go for dates.

25] Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?
- have I made you cry before? D:

26] Honestly, Macs or PCs?
- PCs.

27] Honestly, have you ever stabbed a friend in the back?
- I don't backstab. I do whatever that's shall be done.

28] Honestly, have you ever cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?
- NO LA.

32] Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
- Yes.

33] Honestly, what makes you mad?
- When a troubled girl comes out with troubled lines.

34] Honestly, what is your greatest fear?
- To look from up to down. Eeek.

35] Honestly, do you lie to people?
- Depends on who you are. :P

37] Honestly, what would you do if you walked in on your GF/BF with another?
- Stare at him with my goldfish eye.

38] Honestly, would you rather save your family member or 1000 strangers?
- Family?

39] Honestly, what religion do you find most annoying?
- Uhm uhm :D

40] Honestly, when was the last time you said I love you?
- Can't recall.

41] Honestly, are you a relationship person?
- Huh?

42] Honestly, if you can have one superpower what would it be?
- Ha ha.Just like Claire Bennet who is immortal in Heroes.

43] Who is the last person you hugged?
- Andrew/Li Chi i forgot.

44] Honestly, if you could go back 3 years and change something what would it be?
- Nothing. What's done's done.

45] Honestly, what's your favorite thing to talk about?
- Nothing in particular.

47] Honestly, would you kill an innocent person for 5 million dollars?
- No.

48] Honestly, if you can only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
- Black jelly.

I tag :
3, 2, 1 you're tagged.

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