Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update No. 2

if there's update no.1, there's supposed to be update no.2, right ian? i'm just gonna type what i can think of now, not really gonna update on what's going on with me and my life. now here's a warning: don't ever think of buying tickets for above 18 movies thinking you'd get away from the person-in-charge. > :P

last friday (the ou day), the guys and few girls heheh went to buy tickets for Shinjuku AND THEY GOT KICKED OUT which was the funnest part for me to see :D yeah my horn is growing out. ahahah so co-incidently peishin saw kokwei's brother so we asked. a friend of his who rocks in confusing people came to bargain with me when i dont know anything bout the tickets and most of them were gone to elsewhere -.-  he claimed they dont have enough cash which is HIGHLY DOUBTFUL and offered to purchase 5 tickets with RM25

note: the price for per ticket is RM 6. 
therefore, RM 6 x 8 = RM 48

by the time he came back after discussing with his friends, he said he'll buy them for RM15. LOL i tell you -.- long story short we sold them for RM20 and that's the end for the remaining tickets and story.

is it interesting?

NEVER, NEVER walk thru the passage from the bowling alley to cybercafe in ou. the narrow one. don't know if you know what i'm talking about but ahhh just don't. unless you wanna experience how does it feel like to walk pass a rempit who glares and smiles sinically at you and listen to how GRRARLY they sing and having sound effects like XxxXXxxXxXxx while you walk. yuck yuck.

til then & remember what i've said! > ;)

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